Beach Music Party Weekend

Beach Music Party Weekend

This is going to be another Big Weekend for Beach Music! There are lots of events to choose – It is JUNE – Things are kicking into gear for the Summer. I will be joining Mike Worley in Carolina Beach for the Edge Music Series tomorrow night! We have...
Beach Music Event News

Beach Music Event News

Thursday Edition of The Edge Radio Show at 9AM Beach Music Events Music on Main in NMB – Tonight! May 26th in the OD Horseshoe – Go see The Embers featuring Craig Woolard. Pop in and see H Lee Brown at the OD Pavilion and grab a Cheeseburger at the Sunset...
Bands that have not banned NC

Bands that have not banned NC

There is a lot of talk lately about bands that will not perform in North Carolina due to recent political decisions. North Carolina Residents that are fans of these major acts are missing out on concerts in their area due to the band cancelling shows. Craig Saunders,...
Beach Music This Weekend?

Beach Music This Weekend?

It is Thursday again.. the weekend is in Our Sights! There are a lot of events coming up that you will not want to miss. Mike is on the air again this morning beginning at 9am. Join us on The Edge Radio Show at Shag City USA. Tell us what is going on this weekend and...
Little Friday  – Event News

Little Friday – Event News

Happy Little Friday! The weekend is nearly here. There are a lot of great events coming up and plenty of opportunities to see some live beach music. As we listen to the best music in the world this morning on The Edge Radio Show with Mike Worley, I ask that you look...
Thursday Event Update

Thursday Event Update

It is Thursday…Little Friday and the weekend is just about here. We have a lot of great events coming up in the next few weeks. Let’s Talk today and this weekend first. Mike Worley is another year older. Join me as we wish him “Happy Birthday!”...